PMCPOA Nature Page

Learn about the plants, animals, geography and more
that make up our beautiful mountain community.

Pine Mountain Club and its surrounds are teeming with life. The animals, plants and geography of our region create an exciting world of nature that we get to enjoy and in which we get to cohabitate.
Photo of Fern's Lake
Fern's Lake

To those of us who have lived or vacationed here for many years, we may be used to sharing our community with our natural friends. But over the years, many newcomers have discovered our beautiful area. These pages of this website are aimed at helping long-timers and newbies alike appreciate and respect all that is going on around us here -- on the ground, in the air and everywhere in between.

Residents and visitors to PMC can experience natural communities in many ways. These include:

  • Concerns about bears, mountain lions, coyotes, the presence of native mice, native wood rats, gophers, ground squirrels, wasps, flies, mosquitos and other creature interactions – welcome or unwelcome.

  • Interest in experiencing nature. Many of our residents and visitors want to see wild animals, walk in the woods, find wild flowers and take part in the non-human world.
    Photo of Evening Primrose
    Evening Primrose

  • One of the easiest ways to experience nature in PMC is to simply sit outside on one’s deck and enjoy. No home in PMC is more than 200-300 yards away from the natural habitat, either in greenbelts or on the perimeter of Association property.

  • Wild animals, including bear, mountain lion, wildcat, fox, raccoon, tree and ground squirrels, chipmunks, cottontail bunnies and a large array of bird species roam throughout our human community.
    Photo of mama bear and her cubs
    Mama bear and her cubs

  • A favorite activity of many residents has been to provide wild birds with some sort of encouragement to come close enough to observe and enjoy. This provision can take the form of providing good natural habitat and cover, a source of water or, in the past, supplemental food, i.e., bird feeding stations, or a combination of the three. (See below.)

  • The PMCPOA Board of Directors recently established a rule prohibiting any feeding of any wild animals. This includes hummingbird feeders, birdseed, suet, peanuts or any other food that is intended for birds but might attract bears. There is ample evidence to support this decision. The above rule, while very understandable, decreases the ability to enjoy local birdlife comfortably from one’s home.
    Photo of CA Condor
    California Condor

Our hope is that accessing information about local wildlife and plant life via this webpage -- while not the same as viewing birds easily from one’s back deck -- will help residents and visitors enjoy heightened awareness and appreciation of the natural, non-human world in which we live.
